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A Study on the influence of country image on purchase intention of Chinese consumers based on Fishbein’s model of reasoned action: Focused on USA, Germany, Japan and South Korea


This study finds that Chinese consumers’ perception of country image can be divided into four dimensions: appraisal of the relationship with China, degree of country development, general product appraisal, and general people appraisal. The items in these four dimensions vary for different countries. The study incorporates country image into the Fishbein’s model, and finds good fitness between the model and data, which suggests that the Fishbein’s model has good generalizability and cross-culture adaptability. Results show that country image has no direct impact on purchase intention; instead, it impacts on consumers’ purchase intention indirectly through the effects on functional appraisal and symbolic appraisal, brand attitude and subjective norm. The effect of country image on purchase intention varies for different products. Specifically, the effect of country image on purchase intention of apparel is greater than that of cell phone, and that on purchase intention of car is the lowest.


通过对我国消费者进行问卷调查, 通过实证分析发现, 消费者对国家形象的感知大体上分为四个构面: 与中国关系评价、 国家发展程度、 整体产品评价、 整体人民评价, 国家形象各构面的组成项目因不同国家而有所差异。 将国家形象作为新的变量引入Fishbein 模型, 发现模型依然与实际数据吻合, 证明Fishbein模型具有较好可扩展性和跨文化适应性。 通过对模型进行分析, 发现国家形象间接地影响消费者的购买意向, 其影响系数因不同产品类别而有所差异, 其中国家形象对服装产品的购买意向影响最高, 手机产品次之, 对汽车产品的购买意向影响最低。


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Translated from Nankai Guanli Pinglun 南开管理评论 (Nankai Business Review), 2008, 11(5): 40–49

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Li, D., Ahn, JS., Zhou, R. et al. A Study on the influence of country image on purchase intention of Chinese consumers based on Fishbein’s model of reasoned action: Focused on USA, Germany, Japan and South Korea. Front. Bus. Res. China 3, 621–646 (2009).

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