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Corporate entrepreneurship in the enterprise clusters environment—Influence of network resources and entrepreneurial orientation on firm performance


As the business environment becomes increasingly complex and dynamic, more firms begin to adopt corporate entrepreneurship strategy in pursuit of sustainable competitive advantage. Based on the network theory, this paper compares three types of resources acquisitions and argues that unique network resources are the underlying reason that entrepreneurship activities benefit from enterprise clusters. It also explores the relationship among network resources, entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and firm performance. Finally, drawing on the data of the enterprise clusters in Zhejiang Province, empirical results show that a firm’s performance is positively related to entrepreneurial orientation and network resources, which greatly increases the enhancement of EO to firm performance.


环境复杂性和动态性的加强, 导致更多的企业采取创业战略以获取持续竞争优势。 基于网络视角, 首先对公司创业的三种资源获取方式进行比较, 认为网络资源是公司创业活动受益于企业集群的内在原因; 进而对网络资源、 创业导向与集群企业绩效的关系进行探索性研究; 最后, 对浙江省集群企业的实证研究表明: 创业导向、 网络资源与企业绩效有显著正相关关系, 网络资源显著提高了创业导向对企业绩效的贡献。


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Translated and revised from Zhongguo Gongye Jingji 中国工业经济 (China Industrial Economics), 2008, (3): 84–92

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Yao, X., Wen, W. & Ren, Z. Corporate entrepreneurship in the enterprise clusters environment—Influence of network resources and entrepreneurial orientation on firm performance. Front. Bus. Res. China 3, 566–582 (2009).

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