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Does stage matter? The roles of organizational learning, social network, and corporate entrepreneurship in Chinese new ventures


This study examines the roles of organizational learning, social network and corporate entrepreneurship (CE) in Chinese new ventures at different developmental stages. Several conclusions are drawn from structural equation modeling based on a large sample of 676 new ventures. First, most of the recursive positive relationships are supported by data of the overall sample, such as those between radical CE and exploration, incremental CE and exploitation, and strong ties and exploitation. Second, in the sub-samples, we only find support for the recursive positive relationships between radical CE and exploration, and incremental CE and exploitation among all the three subsamples. Third, for new ventures in the early stage, relationships are emphasized concerning incremental CE, strong ties, and exploitation; for new ventures in the middle stage, new relationships concerning weak ties, exploration, and radical CE come into effect and previous ones still have influence; and for new ventures in the late stage, new relationships begin to dominate and old ones evade.


在总结国外学者有关组织学习、社会资本和公司创业研究的基础上, 概括了 它们之间相互关系的六个代表性模型, 并通过江苏和广东两省的 676家新兴企业的 问卷调查数据进行了验证。结果表明, 组织学习、社会资本和公司创业相互促进, 但这些相互促进关系在新兴企业发展的不同阶段发挥不同的作用。 在早期企业比较侧重于利用式学习、 强关系和渐进式公司创业之间的促进关系; 而在中期企业则倾向于在原有促进关系的基础上尝试探索式学习、 弱关系和激进式公司创业; 经过不断地调整, 在后期各种因素之间的相互促进关系逐渐清晰和明显, 并达到平衡。


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Translated and revised from Guanli Kexue Xuebao 管理科学学报 (Journal of Management Science in China), 2008, (6): 61–76

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Jiang, C., Zhao, S. Does stage matter? The roles of organizational learning, social network, and corporate entrepreneurship in Chinese new ventures. Front. Bus. Res. China 3, 362–392 (2009).

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