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An empirical study on the construct and effective mechanism of organizational learning


The organizational learning construct and its effective mechanism are two research issues. This study is based on a survey of 908 managers and employees from 43 companies in different regions of China. The results of exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) show that organizational learning in Chinese enterprises is a multi-dimensional construct comprising of inter-organizational learning, organization-level learning, collective learning, individual learning, exploitation learning and exploration learning. The results of hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) reveal that the unit-level dimensions of organizational learning affect employee’s satisfaction and emotional commitment through the mediation of individual learning. In organizations characterized by high level of organization-level learning and low level of exploitation learning, there is a strong correlation between employees’ satisfaction/emotional commitment and their turnover intention. Hierarchical regression analysis (HRA) also indicates that organizational learning affects perceived organizational financial performance through the full mediation of organizational innovation. Some implications are discussed for organizational learning research and practice.


组织学习的结构和作用机制是组织学习研究中的两个迫切需要解决的基本问 题。 根据访谈、 编码和预试, 对来自全国不同地区 43 家企业的 982 名管理者和员工 的问卷调查数据进行了分析。 探索性和验证性因素分析结果表明, 中国企业的组织 学习包括组织间学习、 组织层学习、 集体学习、 个体学习、 利用式学习、 开发式学 习六个因素。 多层线性模型结果表明, 组织学习集体层面的四个维度通过个体学习 影响员工的满意度和情感承诺; 在组织层学习水平高和利用式学习水平低的组织里 面, 满意度、 情感承诺对离职意向的预测力更强。 多层回归分析结果表明, 组织学 习通过组织创新来影响组织财务绩效。 这些结果对组织学习的研究和管理实践都有 很重要的启发。


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Translated and revised from Guanli Kexue Xuebao 管理科学学报 (Journal of Management Sciences in China), 2007, 10(5): 48–61

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Yu, H., Fang, L. & Ling, W. An empirical study on the construct and effective mechanism of organizational learning. Front. Bus. Res. China 3, 242–270 (2009).

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