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Table 4 The risks of losing banking projects in PSP companies

From: Risk identification and prioritization in banking projects of payment service provider companies: an empirical study

Main risks


Recipient production process (A)

A1: Inappropriate marketing of the executive staff

A2: Inappropriate marketing of the bank

A3: Inappropriate marketing of the agencies

A4: Absence of a suitable program for identifying and attracting specific recipients(VIPs)

Terminal establishment process (B)

B1: No timely allocation of the devices

B2: No timely installation of the devices

B3: Lack of adequate training of staff on how to work with the devices

Supporting process (C)

C1: No timely repairing of faulty terminals

C2: Undesirable rolled up to the recipients

C3: Inappropriate call center response to financial problems

Recipient retention and satisfaction process (D)

D1: Failure to provide the devices with desirable quality and hardware specifications

D2: Inappropriate quality of device software

D3: Frequent technical problems

D4: Failure to meet customer needs

D5: Not paying attention to specific recipients (VIPs)

D6: No paying attention to complaints

D7: Lack of suitable program for keeping specific recipients (VIPs)

Executive interaction with bank (E)

E1: Successive changes of the project managers and experts

E2: Changes of bank managers and their approaches to the PSP company

E3: Inappropriate strategy of central office personnel

E4: Failure to comply with work ethics

E5: No timely response to bank requests

E6: Timely request for status

E7: Inappropriate behavior of personnel of agencies with the bank branches

E8: Bank’s dissatisfaction with the company

E9: No timely delivery of the devices

E10: Repeating infringements

E11: Failure to provide reports and clarifications for highlighting company achievements

The terms of contract and commitment (F)

F1: Inappropriate contract with unreasonable terms

F2: Failure to adhere to the terms of the contract and mutual obligations

F3: Lack of proper planning for achieving the goals of the project

F4: Disclosure of confidential information and documents of bank’s customers

Company credibility and power (G)

G1: Background of failure in other banking projects

G2: Increasing dissatisfied recipients

G3: Absorbing undesirable recipients

G4: Decreasing special recipients (VIPs) and attracting them by competitors

G5: Lack of covering the operating costs with incoming payments

Efficiency of agencies (H)

H1: The inability and inappropriate financial situations of the provincial agencies

H2: No financial support of agencies from the central office

H3: Lacking sufficient standards and capabilities

Technical and operational (I)

I1: Failure to establish a secure, stable and high-speed network

I2: Failure to quickly implement market needs

Research and development (J)

J1: Lack of innovation and initiative in accordance with customer needs

J2: Lack of study and identification of market needs

J3: Being behind of competitive market

Advertising (K)

K1: Being unknown in the market

K2: Lack of a quick notification of the company’s latest achievements for market penetration