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Table 1 Criteria definition for selection of the optimal PA method

From: Ranking and selecting the best performance appraisal method using the MULTIMOORA approach integrated Shannon’s entropy



Functional requirement



Possibility of applying PA method with Organization


Based on cultural, economic and technical specifications in every organization it is crucial to measure the opportunity to implement a PA method in the organization. The result of the possibility of method appliance varies in different organizations.


Compatibility of PA method with current Organization state


Based on the different specifications of an organization and the current state of being, different PA approaches may have a different compatibility level which is an important criterion for applying the proposed method.


Compatibility with future changes (Reliability)


Reliability of the PA method is imperative for organizations. In the modern-day dynamic environment of organizations, it is critical for a method to be upgradable and updatable for future changes in the organizations.


Cost of PA method


The cost of the proposed process is one of the most important criteria for applying any improvement procedure in organizations. Implying PA methods in organizations based on the procedure and type of the organizations the cost and price values may vary.


Training needs of method


Different PA approaches have different training requirements depending on the type and size of the organizations. Sometimes this training may have some difficulties compared to others.


Proven method application (Validity)


To propose and employ an improvement process in any organization, it is crucial for them to apply a valid and proven version of the proposed procedure. This matter is also true for PA methods, to implement a valid and proper PA method of which the validity of process is acceptable scientifically and proven to be positive based on experience.


Employee satisfaction considerations


One of the important issues in every organization is employee loyalty. This matter will improve by increasing the employee’s satisfaction factors. Application of any new evaluation and improvement process in organizations affects the human resources. Therefore, it is crucial to consider employee satisfaction factors in applying the assessment process.


Degree of sophistication (Ease of use)


Different methods of PA have different levels of sophistication and different levels of application. Availability of technical experts or need of an expert for applying the PA method is a matter to be considered by organizations in hiring their employees.