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Table 2 Methods to Ensure Reliability and Validity

From: Digital entrepreneurship ecosystem as a new form of organizing: the case of Zhongguancun

Methods to Ensure Reliability

Methods to Ensure Validity

Conducted semi-constructed interview and adjusted questions based on interviewees’ responses.

Data was collected in multiple ways in order to ensure data can be triangulated. One information from an interviewee needed to be supported by another interviewee or archive data.

We studied China’s entrepreneurship environment and the development of ZGC beforehand, so that interview design and data could be contextualized.

At least two researchers involved in the process of interview: one asked questions while the other(s) took notes and complemented questions, then compared interpretations with each other.

The coding process also involved multiple researchers. Codes and descriptions were changed or adjusted based on the common view of researchers.

We presented our findings to other scholars and practitioners to get feedback and subsequently enhance the validity of findings.