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The effects of trust climate on individual performance


This paper explores the mechanism by which trust climate influences individual performance. From the perspective of psychological dynamics, we investigate the relationship among perceptions of organizational climate, motivation and individual behaviors to crystallize how a trustworthy organizational environment favors superior individual performance. 203 employees and their supervisors participated in this study, the results show that trust climate benefits individual performance through fostering psychological safety, which in turn influences individual performance via two mutually complementary pathways, namely ability to focus and organizational learning. Psychological safety is conducive to increasing individual ability to focus and improving job performance. Moreover, it is also instrumental in enhancing individual willingness to learn and experiment with new methods as an effort to achieve superior performance. Theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.


通过问卷调查与结构方程建模分析组织信任对于员工工作绩效的影响途径。 203 名被调查人和他们的上司参与了问卷调查。 分析采用潜变量路径分析方法, 构建了多组模型, 通过两个阶段的检验, 分析了组织信任的作用机制。 结果表明: 组织信任作用于心理安全感, 而心理安全感通过两条独立途径影响工作绩效, 两条独立途径分别是工作聚焦与工作改进。 心理安全感能够促进员工针对工作的不断改进行为和探索新工作方法的意愿, 同时也有利于员工集中精力在工作上, 从而提高个人工作业绩。


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Translated and revised from Xinli kexue xuebao 心理科学学报 (Acta Psychologica Sinica), 2007, 39(6): 1111–1121

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Li, N., Yan, J. The effects of trust climate on individual performance. Front. Bus. Res. China 3, 27–49 (2009).

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